Note #1:   You may be asking yourself right about now, “What is this Who’s Dreaming Me Anyway? screenplay synopsis page (an uplifting comedy story) all about, right?” 

Hint:   Donald J. Dicksby must discipline his imagination, especially before he goes to bed at night. He finds this out the hard way in his waking life each day right here on Earth, and he is headed for unforeseen catastrophes of grand comic proportions.  Now for the synopsis:

Whos Dreaming Me Anyway Screenplay Synopsis
Author R. Scott Lemriel

Who’s Dreaming Me Anyway?

By R. Scott Lemriel

     What happens to your average in-a-rut office worker who begins to have dreams at night that come true the next day …ALMOST?

     Donald J. Dicksby has recently been forced to ponder this over and over again, because lately what he dreams about at night does come true…with a DISASTROUS TWIST!

     He soon finds himself on a desperate adventure to resolve this dilemma, until one day when he meets the mysterious…Dream Master. Then he begins to discover the secret key to life, his own survival, and the answer to one unrelenting question…

Who’s Dreaming Me Anyway?

R. S. Lemriel
© TXu 62 748
(Library of Congress)

Summary:   As the author, know that you are all wished the very best with upcoming rewarding experiences that may come about during and after your exploration of this …Who’s Dreaming Me Anyway?… screenplay synopsis and other stimulating uplifting pages located within this website. You may begin to have pleasant dreams and grand journeys on this good old planet Earth. Somebody has to do it, right?

     Perhaps you would like to see some scenes and main character illustrations for this planned feature film. However, artists are not yet hired to co-create them, even though it is clear to this author what they look like. For now, you can see many important character and scene illustrations involved with The Parallel Time Trilogy books and screenplays, which begin with published book one of the trilogy adventure titled The Emerald Doorway (Three Mystic Crystals). They are located in two gallery illustration pages available by clicking on the ‘BOOKS‘ link located tab at the top of the main Index page of this website. A drop-down menu will appear and you can select either the CUSTOM or CLASSIC view. Have fun exploring this Who’s Dreaming Me Anyway? synopsis page. There are many other avenues of adventure to discover at this unique website. They are here for the benefit of all visitors.