Special Note #1: The words in the link above… Article 1 – Out of Body Travel – Have You Had Them? …refers to the first question for your benefit that is presented in the title of this article. Are You Experienced?…would be an even better focus for us to recover our own answer through the right best use of our inner vision goggles working in more expanded ways.

Article 1 – Out Of Body Travel – Have You Had Them?  

By R. Scott Lemriel

     Well, hello out there all you fellow human beings on good old planet Earth.

     Don’t get me wrong, I know there are a lot of people out there that have had out of body travel experiences. Perhaps, many of you are still wondering what they are all about and how to connect them all together. The purpose of this article and where the arrow it represents most certainly leads, is to provide you, the readers, with an open door through which you can walk to make real strides in recovering much that was taken from the entire human population on planet Earth without their consent or awareness. Here is what I will share with all of you in an endeavor to have it be of unexpected uplifting benefit.

     My first fully conscious journey out-of-the-body experience happened to me when I was only five years old. Suddenly, I found myself hovering above my two-year old body with a mature adult consciousness. I gazed at the young body, then back up to notice the position of the stars in the night sky to instantly recognize my location in the universe. Then I said to myself in silent wonder, “Earth? What am I doing on Earth?” The experience lasted for a few minutes before I reentered the body to resume the role of being a two-year-old child. I soon forgot about the conscious clarity of the experience.

     Many years later, at the age of eleven or twelve, a series of phenomenal events took place in my life that fully awakened this childhood experience and much more. I kept completely silent about this awakening, and about a number of direct UFO encounters I began to have shortly after this, while residing in Washington State not far from Mt Rainier during a time when there were many documented UFO sightings there. Much later on (around age nineteen), I was living in Half Moon Bay, California in a house near the Eucalyptus forests that ran down to the shoreline.

     It was a warm sunny afternoon day in early summer and I walked out the open back door, then stopped to gaze down at the white sand dune at my feet. An unusual comforting energy came down over me (that’s the only way I have of describing it), and I just intuitively knew to stoop down and draw a very ancient symbol in the sand with my forefinger. At the time I was unaware this symbol came from ancient Lemuria. Then without stopping to ponder or think why, I went into the house and tuned my guitar into a tuning I had never played in before. The inspiration immediately came to me to perform a hauntingly beautiful, intricately finger-picked guitar composition for the first time, and over this I spontaneously sang the lyrics to a new song I titled Lemuria.

     Later that afternoon, I laid down on my bed with my eyes open. Suddenly, a single word came into my head that simply commanded, “Up!” and I was immediately lifted out of my body. From my new perspective as an aware viewpoint, in the form of a luminous sphere of energy, I gazed down at my body lying face-up on the bed with the eyes wide open and I clearly understood I was having a fully conscious out-of-body experience. Then somehow I just knew what to do and I flew right up through the ceiling to find myself in a slightly higher dimension with a body made of thousands of sparkling tiny blue star like dots of light. This form looked exactly like my physical body. However, the freedom I had in this higher body, and what experiences I had in this other reality before voluntarily returning to my physical body, will silently remain with me for now.

     I spent the next twenty-eight years of my life developing, writing, and rewriting what became a trilogy of books (three volumes) that are predominately based on extensive explorations into parallel dimensions, higher realities, and along what is referred to as the past and future time-track. These journeys occurred both during the day while practicing certain contemplation or Spiritual techniques and at night via fully conscious out-of-body-travel experiences while my body remained in the trance state people on Earth call sleep.

Special Note #2More information about the continent of Lemuria follows:

     Lemuria, or what is sometimes referred to as Mu, was an ancient civilization that existed on Earth before it was destroyed approximately 100,000 years ago. Many of you may agree or disagree with this statement. However, remember that Lemuria existed for approximately 100,000 years before it was destroyed. Those of you who have had some past-life recall about this mysterious land should ponder that you may have recalled various aspects of one lifetime or perhaps even entire lifetimes. These lives were lived at different points along the long past time-track stretching over a 100,000 year period during the existence of Lemuria or Mu.

     Some of you may have recalled time spent on Lemuria when it was in its infancy. Others will remember a life midway along its development, and still others may recall passing out of a lifetime at it zenith when it was destroyed in one night. Therefore, it may startle some of you to realize that you may all be right to some degree regarding this ancient continent. That said, I will now continue with this article.

Respectfully onward and upward with the article…

     Lemuria was a massive continent centered over the equator of Earth at the time that roughly looked like what is referred to today as The Ring of Fire. This ring is created when the volcanic tectonic plates collide with each other along the pacific rim down the west coast of North, Central, and South America, and across the ocean to continue upward along the eastern seaboard of Southeast Asia, China, Russia, and then back across the ocean to Alaska. If you drew a pencil line along these coastlines on a map or globe of Earth you would make a complete rough outline that crosses over significant volcanic activity referred to today as The Ring of Fire. This was the rough shape and size of what was the continent of Lemuria. This entire huge continent, the benevolent ruling and colonizing center of the world at the time, was destroyed when the poles of our planet flipped 180 degrees overnight. Our planet has gone through this cycle like clockwork approximately every 100,000 years for many past cycles – however, this was all recently changed so that there will be no more cyclic polar shift of planet Earth.

     This polar shift resulted in the complete volcanic eruption and total destruction of the massive continent of Lemuria and it sank beneath the seething ocean waves. Most of its then large colony continent of Atlantis (two-thirds the size of the motherland of Lemuria, and almost independent in its own right at the time) was located on the other side of the planet, also centered over the equator. It too was almost completely destroyed during this one night, all but an approximately five hundred square mile volcanic island. It was this large island that was once located in the mysterious Bermuda Triangle area in the Atlantic ocean southeast of Florida.

     Over a long period of time, Atlantis grew into a dominating power to become the new colonizing empire of the world. Then it was destroyed by volcanic eruptions caused by the misuse of scientific technology coupled with the corrupt ruling priests misuse of psychic power approximately 35,000 years ago.

A Summary of published books:

     The Seres Agenda amazing journey final 5th edition was published in August of 2015 with an extensive, very special enlightening techniques section added at the back. Uncovered for the first time on Earth in the chapters is deliberately hidden truth on a grand multidimensional scale regarding extraterrestrials both benevolent and malevolent (tyrants & kind). What is woven throughout revealing adventure is entirely based on this author’s true-life experiences with extraterrestrials, their ships, and their advanced Spirituality and technology. What is revealed in this book is fictional only to the degree that the names of certain Earth characters and locations of certain events have been changed to protect the innocent masses of people on Earth than no longer recall how they came to be incarnated on this planet.

     This book actually discloses for the first time what is coming to our planet Earth in the next few years that will be entirely unexpected and unanticipated by everyone. Something is coming that will neutralize the subconsciously misguided destructive direction the elected and hidden leaders are heading our world. The subconsciously suppressed people of good old planet Earth are now scheduled to be set free worldwide through an entirely unexpected transformation process that will greatly benefit all life for the first time in galactic history.

     The Parallel Time Trilogy book series titled in order, The Emerald Doorway (Three Mystic Crystals), Guardians of The Ancient One, and Journey to the Center of the Universe were written prior to The Seres Agenda. They prepared the way for to meet the challenge that was required to publish The Emerald Doorway (Three Mystic Crystals) book one of The Parallel Time Trilogy on December 6, 2015.

     “Always follow your heart,” is a good saying or axiom that I choose to adhere to in my own life. I hang my hat on this statement, so-to-speak, as a way of living, being, and courageously going forward through life to uncover ever so much more about deliberately hidden or subconsciously suppressed truth.

     Thank you for reviewing this page link: article-1-out-of-body-travel-have-you-had-them… which refers to the first question for your benefit that is presented in the title of for this article. If you would be so kind, do periodically check back to explore my other articles written for your benefit.

     You are wished the very best with recovering hidden truth, of necessity, and of kindness,

     Most sincerely,

     R. Scott Lemriel

Author’s Background:

R. Scott Lemriel is a book, screenplay and article author, TV director, feature film development producer, music composer, lyricist/singer/guitarist/and performer. He is currently establishing a new book, related music production, and feature film development and related ancillary product development company for the great benefit of his fellow human beings worldwide.

The Seres Agenda and The Parallel Time Trilogy hidden truth revealing books titled, The Emerald Doorway (Three Mystic Crystals), Guardians of The Ancient One, and Journey to the Center of the Universe are also on deposit at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. All rights are reserved. The Seres Agenda final 5th edition with the very special extensive techniques section added at the back was published in August, 2015. The Emerald Doorway (Three Mystic Crystals) book one of The Parallel Time Trilogy published in December, 2015 are both now available to stimulate your own direct uplifting and enlightening experiences to surface and expand.

By: R. S. Lemriel
© TXu 62 748 © PAu 835 230
© Updated December 2, 2021 

(Library of Congress)

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